Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Well, hope there is more time this week!

Oh my gosh! The time goes by soo fast! Especially when you only have less than an hour to write everyone!

Ok, so to start off, I will tell you the story about the lady and her son that we baptized last week! It is the family of Michael, the young man that we baptized about a month ago, and we had always wanted to put a date on his mom so that she could get baptized too, but everytime we wanted to and prepared a lesson to ask her, she always went off on really weird tangents. So on one appointment, we were at her house and she was giving us hot chocolate, and we were just visiting for a minute. She told Elder Lugo and I that she needed to ask us for some advice, even though we were just some young men. I responded that yes, we are young men, but as missionaries, we are set apart to help others with their problems. She gave me a little bit of a confused look, but said nothing. The next day was the interview of her son, Jordy, and she was there with us, and we asked her what she wanted to ask us, but again, she ended up not telling us. So Friday morning we wake up, we are just doing our normal stuff, and at 7 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING we get a call from her. She told us it was an emergency and she needed us to be over there in a few minutes; we ended up getting over there at 7:30. Her sons weren't at home, and so, with us sitting on one couch, and she on the other, she explained to us the problems and difficulties she has been having trying to raise her three sons (17, 15, 12)  on her own, and that she had other relationship stuff, and she just told us all of the stuff that was going on with her, and through tears, she paused, got really calm, and quietly told us, "I know it's my time to be right with the Lord, I will be baptized TOMORROW!" Elder Lugo and I were shocked to say the least of our emotions, and then suddenly the both of us broke down in tears, and in between tears, we just asked her "Seriously?" and "Really?", and I had never experienced such joy for someone in all my life. She has such incredible kids, and she really does want the blessings of God. I really just couldn't believe what happened! I was SO HAPPY, and really you guys can't understand!

Ok, so Elder Lugo and I have been excercising, but not in a normal way. I get up everyday and do my normal stuff, but because Elder Lugo's apendix burst about 5 months ago, he can't do anything to strenuous. So what did we decided to do????? That's right............. ZUMBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know you can all see it now: Me in stretchy pants and hoodie dancing to who knows what in our living room a couple mornings each week haha and also, I didn't really explain what happened in central. There is a huge skyscraper that is called the latin tower (torre latinoamericana) and from the top, you can see the ENTIRE CITY OF MEXICO! It is crazy! There are also a ton of really old temples and cathedrals that you can enter, but it's really weird because you can take pictures. What's weird is that Elder Juarez and I walked into one, took a couple pictures, and then we looked at each other, and at the same time said " The spirit is not here" They are incredible buildings, but it's incredible how much more the spirit can be felt in a simple, loving home, rather than in an enormous catholic cathedral. 

This morning, I am putting my clothes up on the roof to dry, and I here the song "dancing queen" coming from somewhere. I wonder where it's coming from, until i here my companions Elder Lugo's voice coming out of the window! haha It was so funny! 

We have 11 investigators, and they really should all be baptized. We just need to keep working and helping them feel the spirit so they can realize that it is the right step to take in order to follow the example of Jesus Christ. 

This church is most definitely true and it's incredible how the simple things can mean the most when we really get to thinking about it and how much the Lord is involved in our lives. The big topic this week has been plan of salvation, and I can honestly say that I cannot wait to be with my family, in a state of eternal happiness, forever to continue to learn and love one another. I truly love recieveing your emails each week, and you guys really do give me so much strength and support.

I hope you all have a good thanksgiving, eating turkey and watching football. I will probably be eating tacos, and talking to investigators, but It's is totally worth it! Hope you all have an awesome week and I love you all!

Elder Nathan Norr

baptisms! isabel and Jordy

Hey mom, I don't want to freak you out, but that tostada that I'm eating is made from cut up pig's foot cartilage!!! haha Have a great day mom! LOVE YOU! and I didn't eat all of it, it was gross! and that big colorful white palace thing is the palace of beautiful arts! It's really cool!

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