A la goma!!!!! This week has been CRAZY!!! This week really has been jam-packed with doing stuff and running all over the place, but thanks to the mercies of the Lord, we were able to get everything done:)
So, to start off, you guys probably want to know a little bit about my son. Can anyone say "GABRIEL CONTRERAS?!?!?!?!?!" First off, no. It's not really gabe, but its a twin, a tall, broad shouldered, smooth talking columbian twin!!!!! His name is Elder Cuscagua, and he is a champ!! We normally have to do things everyday to help him be able to teach basic principles and everything, but this time we might as well not even do it. He is absolutely incredible. He already teaches so well and he has such a strong testimony of the Gospel. Even though I have been in the mission longer, it is always so awesome to see the faith, testimony, and desire of the new missionaries that get here. He reminds me a lot of me (with the exception of being good at lots of stuff). He sees so many things and freaks out explaining that those things don't happen in his country, but he is getting used to the Mexican culture. I'm already so grateful to have Elder Cuscagua as my son, but I know that I also need to focus on helping him get better too.
Also, "are we moving? I'm pretty sure our house is moving..." Yep, an EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!" I was sitting there in my chair studying when all of a sudden i started to feel dizzy like I was on a boat and it was rocking. I was currently squeezing a rubber tube and I thought I was just so weak that it was making me light headed, but then Elder Lara looks at us and asks "are we moving?" I'm pretty sure were shaking.... We decided that we were currently feeling an earthquake. "cool, you guys want to go out on the street for a minute until it stops??" Sure. We went out on the street, and we felt the road moving beneathe our feet for about 5 minutes, but I will admit, it was really weird to be in an earthquake. We went back in the house and started talking about what it was on the scale. We all decided it was probably between 4 or 5. Turns out...... 7.5!!!!!!!!!!!! I was actually pretty disappointed.... I was expecting 7.5 to be a little stronger, but then we found out that it had started by acapulco and buildings had fallen and everything. The next day, it hailed so much, the streets looked like it had snowed! While it was hailing I swear we were about to have another noah's arc moments. Water was literally cascading over the houses and down the streets like rivers. sadly there was no one on the street or we could have had another baptism this week! haha
What else?? Oh yeah!!!! BAPTISMS!!! Yay! We baptized 2 young men this week! Their names are raymundo and moises! They are absolutely awesome and I know that they are going to be great members of the Church! Ray has already expressed the interest in serving a mission and is going to turn 18 in 3 months! They are so great, and I will add some pictures of them after this email! I can honestly testify that on the day of a baptism, Lots of things start to go wrong. It just goes to show how much satan wants to stop this incredible work. First, this week was "the holy week". There are lots of reenactments of the Life of Jesus in the streets and actually one night we were walking home (i think thursday) we cross the cualktemoc (wide avenue next to our house) and stop. ON the right are 30 people with giant silver vales walking down the street in military formation and to our left a legion of Roman Soldiers.... Elder, I think we should cross the street now.... haha, but nothing happened. This week was vacations for everyone so there weren't too many people home... We contacted lots, but especially with this being the "holy week" for all the catholic people, we didn't get many appointments. That's ok, this next week is going to be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
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